scona.wrappers package¶
scona.wrappers.corrmat_from_regionalmeasures module¶
(regional_measures_file, names_file, output_name, covars_file=None, method='pearson')[source]¶ Read in regional measures, names and covariates files to compute correlation matrix and write it to output_name.
- Parameters
regional_measures_file (*) – a csv containing data for some regional measures with brain regions and covariates as columns and subjects as rows. The first row of regional_measures should be column headings.
names_file (*) – a text file containing names of brain regions. One name per line of text. These names key columns in df to correlate over.
covars_file (*) – a text file containing a list of covariates to account for. One covariate per line of text. These names key columns in df.
output_name (*) – file name to save output matrix to.
scona.wrappers.network_analysis_from_corrmat module¶
(corr_mat_file, names_file, centroids_file, output_dir, cost=10, n_rand=1000, edge_swap_seed=None)[source]¶ This is the big function! It reads in the correlation matrix, thresholds it at the given cost (incorporating a minimum spanning tree), creates a networkx graph, calculates global and nodal measures (including random comparisons for the global measures) and writes them out to csv files.