scona.wrappers package


scona.wrappers.corrmat_from_regionalmeasures module

scona.wrappers.corrmat_from_regionalmeasures.corrmat_from_regionalmeasures(regional_measures_file, names_file, output_name, covars_file=None, method='pearson')[source]

Read in regional measures, names and covariates files to compute correlation matrix and write it to output_name.

  • regional_measures_file (*) – a csv containing data for some regional measures with brain regions and covariates as columns and subjects as rows. The first row of regional_measures should be column headings.

  • names_file (*) – a text file containing names of brain regions. One name per line of text. These names key columns in df to correlate over.

  • covars_file (*) – a text file containing a list of covariates to account for. One covariate per line of text. These names key columns in df.

  • output_name (*) – file name to save output matrix to.


scona.wrappers.network_analysis_from_corrmat module

scona.wrappers.network_analysis_from_corrmat.network_analysis_from_corrmat(corr_mat_file, names_file, centroids_file, output_dir, cost=10, n_rand=1000, edge_swap_seed=None)[source]

This is the big function! It reads in the correlation matrix, thresholds it at the given cost (incorporating a minimum spanning tree), creates a networkx graph, calculates global and nodal measures (including random comparisons for the global measures) and writes them out to csv files.


Code to read in arguments from the command line Also allows you to change some settings

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